You got a dream, protect it…

Someone to Watch Over me

Ella Fitz Dub. One of the greatest.

Truely Inspired Doughnut

Little Things

I prayed over her last night.

She gently kissed me on the cheek, then squeezed me tight.

She asked for a glass of water, then told me she loved me.

She woke up this morning. I watched her make a mess all around me.

I wiped the milk from her cereal, and watched her wash her hands,

She danced, and I watched.

She sang, and I watched.

She took a deep approving breath, over what she made with her tiny hands. And I watched.

As she got dressed, I went into my room and cried.

She came in and asked me what was wrong,

I responded that everything she does is so right.

She didn’t understand, but my baby, this little child, rubbed my back and consoled me.

I walked her to the car. She pointed out the clouds, and the animals she saw in them.

She sang songs in the back seat, as I tried not to stare at how beautiful she was in my rear view mirror.

I cried, quietly into my hands.

I walked her to her classroom, then I prayed she be safe. Kissed her. Watched her walk away from me.

This morning she woke up.

This morning she woke up. and I watched her breathe.

This morning she woke up. and I thanked God.

The Little things mean so much more.